Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Answer for Anonymous

Anonymous writes:

Hey do you vet the websites you recommend on your site? That iamryan whatever site stinks. Please keep the integrity of Todders Playhouse intact. Still love the site.

Well Mr. Anonymous, I hate to answer such a negative question and one that directly aims to undermine all that we here at the Playhouse aim to achieve, but since I answer all questions I can make no exceptions (I think it's exceptions, but it could be acceptions. Mind blown.) Even I am not above the rules of Todder's Playhouse, and so here you go.

1. In questions of such a personal nature, anonyminity (spelling?) should be forfeitted. I do not appreciate having the Playhouse indirectly attacked and not being able to put a name on said attacker.

2. What the hell is vetting? I can manage to summize a definition through context, but please do not use such web savy terms again in the future.

3. It's www.iamryanb.com. I know you knew that. Get it right or pay the price (there is no price).

4. I support all of Todder's Playhouse's readers in all of their ventures. Such is the nature of the Playhouse.

5. I do indeed "vet" all websites I mention in the Playhouse, and as stated in numero 3, I support all of Todder's Playhouse's readers in all of their ventures. As such, I spread the word to the best of my abilities of said ventures.

6. The integrity of the Playhouse is indeed still intact. The only time that integrity is at risk is when negativity is brought into the Playhouse from outsiders because it damn well will never be brought in by me. This is Todder's Playhouse. Not Todder's Negativehouse, or Todder's Putotherpeopledownhouse. Remember that.

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