Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Answer for J.R.

J.R. writes:
Dear Todd,

Here's a free idea: Battle of the Beards

Preside over this: Jesus vs. Honest Abe Lincoln.

First off, sorry for taking so long to answer your question J.R. Oh wait, that's not a question. This is the Ask Todd section, not the idea section. If you would like an idea section at Todder's Playhouse where you can post ideas, then you can ask me in the Ask Todd section how I feel about an idea section, otherwise please save the Ask Todd section for questions only.

(Abe's beard is pretty solid, but not wild enough. This is not Jesus, but rather Jean Claude Van Damme. I couldn't keep this picture a secret.)

As for your "free idea", Jesus obviously wins this competition. His beard was longer and more lustrious (as far as most paintings go). Props go out to anyone that is willing to invest the time into grooming and maintaining their beard, but that's just not very manly. Grooming your beard too much is like trying to tame a wild beast, which is something that should never be done. If I'm a lion, I don't want to be all cute and cudly and fun to play with, I want to eat shit and tear shit up. The same goes for beards. If I'm a beard I don't want to be all manicured and trimmed down, I want to be left to flow and be alive.

Of course, since I've never met either of these dear fellows, this is all just heresay, and I couldn't possibly make a definitive ruling without some sort of time machine where I could get an up close and personal look at each persons beard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you make a good point saying you can't judge unless you had a time machine. Maybe in Jesus' day his beard was really weak compared to his peers, and Abe's was outstanding compared to his. Context is important in anything, but maybe most important in rating beards.

However, in terms of grooming/manliness some of the best beards and staches in competitions require a lot of maintaining and I'd be hard pressed to call them unmanly to their face.

Finally, I'm glad you put some pressure on JR about the ask todd/free idea thing. Although I would have liked you to take a greater stand, you dealt with it in class as usual, and I have to admire you for that, only you could shine so bright when faced with such tough problems.