Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Wow. What a year. 2008 was a year that saw China have their worst snow storm since 1954, a lunar eclipse across North America, the creation of Todder's Playhouse, a surgery to place bionic eyes in the heads of blind people, the Phoenix spacecraft land on Mars, the creation of the website Beards Etc., Typhoon Fengshen, World Youth Day, the resurgence of pirates, a stampede in the Jodhpur temple, the inaugeration of the Large Hadron Collider, my 23rd birthday, and of course, an extra leap second was added to the end of the year. Oh, and there was a tiny financial crisis, but that was no real biggy.

This is the first post of 2009 at Todder's Playhouse, and as such I'd like to start it off with the the customary New Year's resolution, which we definitely plan to uphold at the Playhouse. Our New Year's Resolution is to make Todder's Playhouse even more humorous, educational, and friendly. We set a pretty high bar for ourselves in 2008, but bars were meant to be hurtled, and that's what we here at Todder's Playhouse intend to do in 2008. We've come a long way, but we intend to go a lot further and we invite all of you out there to come join us on a wacky and crazy adventure that will be known as 2009. Who knows, we may even pick up a few new friends a long the way. So lace up your boots, put on your overalls, strap on your fanny pack, and let's get this year rolling.

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