Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lucky German Struck by Meteorite

I hate to be behind the news but I kind of forgot about this story but it was simply too good to pass up. On June 12, a 14 year old German boy named Gerrit Blank was struck by a firey meteorite. Luckily for him the meteorite only struck his hand and then hit the ground, leaving a foot wide crater in the ground. If getting shit on by a pigeon is lucky, imagine how lucky getting love tapped by a meteorite must be. The meteorite was said to be traveling 30000 mph, which, by my count, is pretty fast. I'm not entirely sure how, but the meteorite only left a small scar on his hand. Imagine how good of a scar story/way to pick up chicks that will be. "Yeah, I was hit by a meteorite. It's like not a big deal." The women will swoon.

(Chick and meteorite magnet.)

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