Wednesday, July 1, 2009

News Updates

The first news update is that over the weekend there was a glorious Tomball tournament and the stats are now online. For those of you not in the know, Tomball is a 3 v 3 basketball game on lowered hoops with a mini ball. Pure genius. Any who, follow the link to check out some stats. Vids to come.

The next order of business involves an up and coming comedian. You may or may not have heard of him, but his name is Randy. He's about to explode, so jump on the train before it takes off and strike while the irons hot.

Finally, a volcanic eruption which occurred two weeks ago in Russia is giving many Americans and Europeans beautiful, lavender sunsets, so if you have been seeing abnormally beautiful and lavender sunsets, that's why.


Tom Dioguardi said...

thanks for the link, videos won't come for a while, but you know what they say, if you build it....

Tom Dioguardi said...

also, i saw randy a few days ago, his bits were great, but the SMART TYPE was amazing