Friday, March 20, 2009

Answer for Greg

Greg writes:

Bod,I recently met a beautiful girl and I could tell she was into me. As I talked with her more and joked around I realized she had the most annoying/gross laugh ever created. It was somehow ear piercing and flemmy at the same time. She is real hot but it was a unbelievable turn-off. I found myself not wanting to make her laugh to avoid hearing it. What are your top 3 turn-offs in women? Thanks.

First off, I'd like to congratulate you on getting said hot girl to be "into" you. That's always the most difficult part, so good work. Secondly, I have to tell you, I don't think I've ever thought about this before so I am not prepared with any sort of list, but we'll I see what I can do on the fly. By the by, I'm not going to count this annoying laugh on my list cause that's a bit of a cop out on my part, but if I had thought of that on my own that could quite likely have made the list.

The first on my list would have to be a lack of sense of humor. If a girl doesn't think I'm funny or doesn't laugh at my jokes or just has a dim-witted sense of humor, she's outta here. If I could equate my life to a game of lazer tag for a moment, having people laugh at my jokes is like when you stick your gun in that hole and you hear the sound, "boooweeep." It is my energizer, and being with a girl that can't laugh with me is like me just sitting there, hearing, "energize, energize, energize," all day long in my ear.

The second turn off on my list is uptightness. I'm not the most, as A-Rod would put it, "loosey-goosey" person on the planet, but I do like to, when the occassion calls for, let loose and have a good time. If a girl cannot do this she is taken down many a notch on my list. I frequently make a rather large fool of myself, and a girl who doesn't want to be around me when I'm doing such things or cannot join in on the foolishness, well she's just not going to last very long.

A final turn off on my list is an excessive knowledge of sports. I feel like most guys like it when girls know a lot about sports, but for some reason that is generally not the case with me. I like it if the girl has a general knowledge about sports or has certain teams that she follows, that's fine. However, to follow sports religiously and really have an extensive knowledge of statistics and things of that nature just does not do it for me.

That's my list. Let me know what you think Greg, and let me know what you think all readers of Todder's Playhouse, male and female alike.

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