Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Answer for odonnellMONSTER

odonnellMONSTER writes:


Fighters: Abominable Snowman vs. Nessy the Loch Ness Monster.

Fight Location: A Volcano Island in the Arctic.

Who Wins? Who Dies? Who Refs?


Oh odonnellMONSTER, you and your abstract questions. This is a tough question, but if anyone has the knowledge necessary to answer it, it's me. However, before I start, I would just like you to know, if you didn't already know, that I have a definite bias towards Nessy. I did my eighth (eighth is tough to spell) grade research question on whether or not the Loch Ness Monster existed or not, and Nessy and I bonded during the months of research needed to adequately answer that question. I'll try to keep my personal feelings out of this.

Personally, I think this is a pretty unfair fight. Anytime you pit a land creature vs. a water creature, the odds are pretty highly stacked in the water creatures favor. Assuming that Nessie cannot, or will not, venture onto land, this battle would have to take place in the water. If you think that the abomidadle snowman has a chance against Nessie once he hits the water, think again. Although I personally believe that Nessie is probably a pretty nice creature once you get to know him/her, if you venture into his arena, don't expect any mercy. Unless the abomidable snowman is a better than expected swimmer, which, judging by Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer he is not, or has some sort of swimming apparatus or long range grappling gun, he does not have much of a chance and would probably end up dead.

As for the ref of this lop-side battle royal, it would have to be a penguin. Penguins are already dressed for the gig, and they are able the battle the elements of the artic.

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