Thursday, January 31, 2008

Oh Pennsylvania

I am having a bit of a writers block about what to post about so I decided to voice my disgust in Pennsylvania drivers and roads. First of all, all of the Pennsylvanian drivers are terrible. TRBL (as said by Charles Barkley). I am always amazed by how the drivers run through red lights. It's as if in this state red means yellow, which it does not. Every driver whom first reaches the red light takes it upon themselves to run that light and it amazes me every time. Also, anytime there is any sort of precipitation it seems as though all of the rules of the road go right out of the window. Most Pennsylvania drivers don't know how to drive in the first place, but those that do forget how to once anything starts falling from the sky. Now onto the roads. The road system is unbelievably backwards. You go through a green light only to immediately get the next red light. There are rarely left turn lanes or left turn signals so even in the middle of the day there is traffic. Not to mention that at certain intersections there are five or six roads leading to one light. I sometimes think that the roads of Pennsylvania are some sort of experiment to see how mad drivers can get or how much crap they are willing to put up with. Either way, the system is terrible and frustrating and will never not make me mad.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Meet the worst movie ever

Granted I did not see Meet the Spartans, nor will I ever see Meet the Spartans, it's recent victory at the top of the box office is worthy of a post. First I would like to say that anyone that saw this movie has a ridiculously bad sense of humor. I did not see it, but judging by the past terrible movies by the same people and the trailer I can safely say that this movie was horrendous. The creators and the viewers of this movie are incredibly uncreative and undeserving a $18 million dollar opening weekend. It wasn't going up against the greatest of movies, but still, that is pathetic. Now I know you may be thinking to yourself that this kid is really judgmental and elitist, and you're right. I am very judgmental and elitist when it comes to terrible movies such as this. I like to think I have at least a decent taste in movies, and anyone who went to see this movie cannot say the same.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Rule of Life #1

This is the first of Todd's Rules of Life and it is one of the most important. This is the rule of holding doors. If you see some one pretty close behind you and you are opening a door, why not be a sweetheart and hold the door for them. You don't have to go crazy, but if they are within a five second walking range you should do them the service of holding the door. It will make you a better person and bring a little happiness into their life. If you are the one having the door held for you, you should reply to this kind gesture by saying thank you. If you don't, you are an asshole. Any person that doesn't say thank you to someone who was kind enough to hold the door for them deserves to be kicked in the face and have the door shut closed on them. This applies to most areas of life. When in doubt, say thank you. Don't be shy. Show your appreciation for another persons kindness. You will be more liked because of it and you will not be as big of a douche bag as you were before.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Number 2

Hello there to all of my loyal fans. I have now commenced writing post number two. The first one was really personal and long so I'll see if I can tone down this one a bit. I have no one particular area which I am particularly knowledgeable on so don't expect to find any consistenty here at Todder's Playhouse. I will do my best to educate my readers on a vast array of topics. I will also give life lessons for you to follow and live by. No, they may not all be important. And no, they may not all be true or useful to follow. They will all however be rules that I myself live by and stand by. So if I ever somehow guide you astray, I do not want to hear about it. These are Todd's rules, and if you live by them you will be much better off in the end. This is Todd, Todder's Playhouse, signing off.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Post What Up

I am not a man of blogging. First post accomplished.