Sunday, January 27, 2008

Meet the worst movie ever

Granted I did not see Meet the Spartans, nor will I ever see Meet the Spartans, it's recent victory at the top of the box office is worthy of a post. First I would like to say that anyone that saw this movie has a ridiculously bad sense of humor. I did not see it, but judging by the past terrible movies by the same people and the trailer I can safely say that this movie was horrendous. The creators and the viewers of this movie are incredibly uncreative and undeserving a $18 million dollar opening weekend. It wasn't going up against the greatest of movies, but still, that is pathetic. Now I know you may be thinking to yourself that this kid is really judgmental and elitist, and you're right. I am very judgmental and elitist when it comes to terrible movies such as this. I like to think I have at least a decent taste in movies, and anyone who went to see this movie cannot say the same.

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