Thursday, January 31, 2008

Oh Pennsylvania

I am having a bit of a writers block about what to post about so I decided to voice my disgust in Pennsylvania drivers and roads. First of all, all of the Pennsylvanian drivers are terrible. TRBL (as said by Charles Barkley). I am always amazed by how the drivers run through red lights. It's as if in this state red means yellow, which it does not. Every driver whom first reaches the red light takes it upon themselves to run that light and it amazes me every time. Also, anytime there is any sort of precipitation it seems as though all of the rules of the road go right out of the window. Most Pennsylvania drivers don't know how to drive in the first place, but those that do forget how to once anything starts falling from the sky. Now onto the roads. The road system is unbelievably backwards. You go through a green light only to immediately get the next red light. There are rarely left turn lanes or left turn signals so even in the middle of the day there is traffic. Not to mention that at certain intersections there are five or six roads leading to one light. I sometimes think that the roads of Pennsylvania are some sort of experiment to see how mad drivers can get or how much crap they are willing to put up with. Either way, the system is terrible and frustrating and will never not make me mad.

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