Friday, January 25, 2008

Rule of Life #1

This is the first of Todd's Rules of Life and it is one of the most important. This is the rule of holding doors. If you see some one pretty close behind you and you are opening a door, why not be a sweetheart and hold the door for them. You don't have to go crazy, but if they are within a five second walking range you should do them the service of holding the door. It will make you a better person and bring a little happiness into their life. If you are the one having the door held for you, you should reply to this kind gesture by saying thank you. If you don't, you are an asshole. Any person that doesn't say thank you to someone who was kind enough to hold the door for them deserves to be kicked in the face and have the door shut closed on them. This applies to most areas of life. When in doubt, say thank you. Don't be shy. Show your appreciation for another persons kindness. You will be more liked because of it and you will not be as big of a douche bag as you were before.

1 comment:

Tom Dioguardi said...

the bod, I couldn't agree more with you're first rule of life. holding doors is not only important, but it does make me feel better anytime I hold a door for anyone. When someone doesn't say thank you after I've held a door, I say "you're welcome" extremely loud at them, just to make them feel bad. so yeah, good one todder. I look forward to your next rule.