Saturday, September 20, 2008

Answer for One of the Bens

One of the Bens writes:

All my sources say you're a Douglas Adams expert. With that said, what say you about a new Douglas Adams book not written by Douglas Adams.
Feel free to not answer this comment
and post the news on your own.

First off, your sources are correct, I am a Douglas Adams expert. I even wrote my research/book report thingy in like the 10th grade on Douglas Adams and so I am deeply knowledgeable of all things Douglas Adams and especially The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I have read all five in the series (although the first two are pretty much by far the best), and seeing as how Douglas Adams is now deceased, I was not expecting to be reading any more. However, since apparently his wife commissioned a one Eonis Colfer to write a new book in the series, to be titled "And Another Thing...", it seems as though I may be reading one more.

Second of all, I believe this to be fraudulous on all accounts. Although the last few books in the series did not have the same zest and zeal as the first couple, they still had that Douglas Adams charm that all of his books have. To write a book in another person's series without that persons direct approval is an extremely bold move, and I hope this Colfer fellow knows what he's doing. There will be a lot angry fans out there if this books sucks, including The Bod. Those fans will tear him from limb to limb if this isn't good, and I'll be right their feasting on the remains.
The only good part of this whole escapade is that Colfer seems to be genuinely excited. He says of being offered this oppurtunity that it's, "like suddenly being offered the superpower of your choice". He has also apparently been working on this for a while: "For years I have been finishing this incredible story in my head and now I have the opportunity to do it in the real world. It is a gift from the gods. So, thank you Thor and Odin." How this excitement will translate into written word has yet to be seen, but let's hope it translates well. Cofler better not thank Thor and Odin until this book is done because he's got some big shoes to fill so he better know what he's getting himself in to.

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