Friday, March 13, 2009

Answer for Fabian

Fabian writes:

I'd like to switch it up from the weirdo questions you've been answering lately and talk sports. Who would you choose as the MVP of the NBA this year at this point. The general consensus is that it's between Kobe, Lebron and most recently Wade was added to the list. I realize a lot can change in the next few months but I wanted to see what Bod says. Thanks man

This is probably the most serious question I have ever gotten. Not like the ebola virus or brush fires serious, but serious in the fact that I have no way to make this comedic. I'm not really known for my sports commentary, nor am I the most educated in sports statistics, however, I ostricize (wierd word, possibly named after how the ostrich is made fun of by all other birds?) no Todder's Playhouse reader and as such will give you the best answer I can come up with.

As of recent, I would have to give the MVP award to D-Wade. I would give him the award not only for his ability to change NBA band-aid rules, but because he has been simply filling up the highlight reel as of late. He kind of slid off of the NBA super-star list after the last two seasons, and the Heat fell with him, but he is obviously back with a vengeance this year. I don't want to reference stats because that's not my style, but he is averaging, like, a lot of points. His team may have the worst record of the three, but he also has arguably the worst supporting cast of the three teams (the Lakers having easily the best, and the Cavs also not so good). While none of the three teams would be nearly as good without their retrospective stars, the Heat would be no where near playoff contention if not for what D-Wade has been doing as of late. With respect to the other players, Kobe Bryant is having a terrific year and doing a great job leading his Bynum-less Lakers to the best record in the NBA and has already clinched a playoff spot, while Lebron James is a man-child and will be the most dominant player in the NBA for the next 7-10 years. However, D-Wade has stepped up his game big time down the stretch and is making the Heat a force to be reckoned with.

Note: If my heart had been doing the talking, all it would be saying would be, "Alonzo Mourning, Alonzo Mourning, Alonzo Mourning." I don't care that he retired, he deserves it.


Anonymous said...

Todd, I agree dwade has been unbelievable recently, but you don't win awards for recent performances. It's the entire body of work.

The Cavs have 17 more wins than the Heat. That's the same or more wins as 4 other teams (Wiz, Grizz, Clips,Kings). The Heat have a worse team like you said, but are Lebron's supporting cast 17 games better than Wade's? I highly doubt that's the case.

Statistically Wade actually leads LeBron in most categories, but not enough to compensate the difference in their teams.

Yes, I decided to be annoying and kinda take this seriously, what say you now?

The Bod said...

First off, I did mention in the blog that sports statistics and what not are not my strong suit, and so this is more from my heart, which means nothing in terms of accuracy.

Secondly, I do agree with what you said about the records and what not, I just don't like to watch Lebron play as much, except when he is dunking. I admit that this should have no impact on my MVP selection, but Wade's game is just so much more aesthetically pleasing. Lebron's game is pure athleticism and strength, things that make him extremely dominant but don't really impress me much because he was born with them. Wade, however, is much smaller in stature, not nearly as physically intimidating, and still manages to take over games. He's much more of a finesse player, and I enjoy that much more than Lebron's overwhelming strength and it impresses me much more as well. And, although it goes in a lot, Lebron's shot is straight up ugly.

All in all, Lebron is more likely and probably more deserving to win the award, I would just prefer to have Wade win it.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough.

If you admit that stats are not your thing, you can have a guest spot just involving stats, some made up, some real, some serious, some funny.

In addition to that, bring back the dream analyzer.

These wouldn't be anything without you either, just like side dishes to the bods main course. If you talk about mvps, youd tell ur statistician to come up with stats to prove your points, the bod would never be 2nd guessed.

When are applications due?