Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Answer for applebottomjeanlova99

applebottomjeanlova99 writes:

for all those youngsters out there, what would you say the tell tale signs of a snow day would be? Also what are the telltale signs that if it starts snowing while you are in school that there will be an "earl dismissal?"

Well applebottomjeanlova99 you threw this one up there for me and hopefully I can hit a home run with it.  First off, in general, the best tell tale sign of a snow day is that crisp, fresh powder piled up on the roads.  Just to be safe I would say around a 5 inch accumulation gives a high probability of snow day.  However, what you're really looking for is accumulation to begin at around 2:00 AM and have it continue snowing through about 8:00 AM.  You don't want to give that nasty ol' snow plower any time to commence plowing while it is no longer snowing, so as long as it starts during the night and doesn't end until after school would normally begin, you're probably in the clear.

Snow days are also affected by the amount of snow days previously used in the school year.  If it's mid-winter and you've already used up the given number of snow days, well than it's going to take a lot more snow for school to be cancelled.  However, if you haven't used any snow days and winter is almost over, well then it's possible you'll get a snow day with just a couple of inches.  You never know.

As far as the telltale signs of getting let out early because of snow goes, there are really two main ones.  The first involves the buses.  If you here the roar of the buses around midday and you see those yellow monsters coming around the corner, you're probably lookin' at an early dismissal.  Seeing all those beautiful, yellow vehicles pulling up to the school means they are probably there to take you home, and if it's at midday, you're probably going home early.  Lucky you!

The much less known telltale signing of going home early involves the hot lunches.  Every school must be able to provide it's students with a warm and healthy meal.  Some lucky brats are just too good for bagged lunches and so the school has to provide them with food.  You may be wondering what this has to do with early closures.  Well, if you catch word that the cafeteria is no longer making hot lunches it means you're going home early.  The school stopped making food because there will be no students there to eat them, meaning your day is almost done.  If you somehow find out earlier than everyone else that hot lunches are no longer being made, well by golly you better stand up and yell at the top of your lungs, "they stopped making hot lunches!" All the other students will be so happy and so grateful that you informed them that they're going home early.  You can also yell the same phrase if you see a few snow flakes coming down and you want to get everyones hopes up that they're going home early.  It's equally as funny.

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