Friday, August 29, 2008

This is America

I would like to take some time to commend the security gaurds at Yankee Stadium for ejecting a fan for getting up and trying to go to the bathroom during God Bless America for the seventh inning stretch. In case you haven't heard about this yet, on Wednesday, August 27th, during the seventh inning stretch of the Yankees-Red Sox game, a fan, a Red Sox fan no less, got up during the singing of God Bless America to go to the bathroom. Upon walking into the tunnel he was aprehended by a police officer who went on to eject the fan from the stadium. The fan said that he got up while the song was beginning, and that it was rather urgent, and yada yada yada. He even went on to say that he doesn't care about God Bless America. Well sir, if you don't care about God Bless America than you're in the wrong country. This isn't Switzerland or something where you can just get up and urinate during the national anthem. This is America. We stand and remove our caps when that glorious song is played, and if you don't do the same, well then get the hell out of our stadiums.

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