Friday, August 8, 2008

Take That Weather (As said by a Chinese person)

Having the Olympics in your home country is a huge deal, and the Chinese realize this. As such, they are not going to let anything ruin it, and that includes the weather. That's why in the past week the Chinese goverment has been cloud seeding. They use cannons and rockets to shoot silver iodide into the clouds into the sky, hopefully forcing them to rain and thus create precipitation. The idea behind it is that if it rains enough before the Olympics, during the Olympics precipitation will be limited (yeah, I'm sure that'll work). The goal of the seeding is also to wash the pollution from the air (which obviously did not work. See pictures of the fog-like haze of pollution which floated around Beijing for proof. Nice try China. We know you pollute a lot, a little cloud seeding isn't going to change that.)

China is the world's number one advocate of cloud seeding. They spend about $90 million a year on research and implimintation, and while other countries attempt cloud seeding as well, China blows them all away (with wind, another type of weather China is attempting to control.) Cloud seeding has worked in the past, but by no means is it gauranteed to work. The science behind it is a little bit, "cloudy."

With China already well on its' way to becoming the economic powerhouse of the next decade, if they gain control of the weather there will be no stopping them. Our only hope would be if Halle Barry was actually Storm from X-Men and could counter-balance the Chinese' weather attacks. The Chinese already have the most advanced technologies and billions of little Chinamen, with the weather in their grasps their is no telling what they would be capable of.

The truth is, the Chinese are trying to scorch the skies like in The Matrix. They've been able to keep a tight lid on it up until now, but it turns out the country is being overwhelmed with artificial intelligence robots which run on solar power. Hopefully Keanu Reeves reads this blog and calls Morpheus to put a stop to the robots before it's too late.

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