Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Flying Turd Wreaks Havoc

Recently in a museum in Switzerland a giant inflatable poop, created by American artist Paul McCarthy, escaped from the museum and caused damage in the neighboring town.  It took down a power line and broke numerous windows before the big dump finally deflated.  The art work, rightfully titles, "Complex Shit," is roughly the size of a house and was carried by the wind 200 meters.  The art piece has a safety system which usually deflates the turd during a storm, but it failed to work on this night and the poop simply flew away.  

Being attacked by a giant piece of shit could quite possibly be my worst nightmare.  This actually broke the window of a little girls room.  Imagine the problems that that girls is going to grow up with.  The reoccurring haunting dream of being chased by a giant poop.  It doesn't get any worse than that.  Not to mention the nicknames she'll receive.  The little children in her school will call her such things as, "giant poop," "poop face," "poopy mcpooperson," "doody butt," and many others.  The possibilities are endless.

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