Sunday, August 3, 2008

Answer for One of the Bens, juss keeding its always pasinkoff

One of the Bens, juss keeding its always pasinkoff writes:

Hey Bod,
How much can a male use facebook until it starts to get a little weird? And does saying "tag that" everytime someone takes a photo of you ever get old?

Well One of the Bens, juss keeding its always pasinkoff, that is a very good two part question and I'm glad you asked.  A male's manhood can often be judged by how much they frequent facebook, and seeing as how I am all that is man, my standards for excessive facebook use should be followed religiously.  That is unless you want to be deemed as unmanly as a guy frosting his tips (I did it once, it was a mistake), in which case don't follow my advice.

One major indicator of facebook weirdness is the number of applications you have.  Anything over two or three applications is weird.  Once you get past that number you are spending far too much time on facebook.  I get it if you enjoy reminiscing about the past with the Oregon Trail Application, but once you start getting involved in which superhero you are and shit like that, you've gone too far.

Another major indicator of facebook weirdness is how frequently you update your status.  Personally, I have my own rule of never updating my status because I think it's stupid, but if you feel the need to do it, try to keep it to at most once a week.  Any more than that it becomes blatantly obvious that you spend far too much time on facebook.

A final indicator of facebook weirdness involves stalking.  Some people, especially females, learn way too much about others via facebook.  When you know about people being in relationships because you've looked through all their pictures and can tell they are dating, that is weird.  Or when you meet a friend's friend and you know who they are through their pictures on facebook, that's weird as well.  Any sort of facebook stalking is weird, and although it's pretty typical from females, if your a male and you do it it's really weird.

The "tag that" quote depends on the situation and who's saying it.  If you say it like, "yo, tag that bro," and you are joking, that will take a long time to get old.  If you say, "yo, tag that bro," and you are serious, that's pretty sad.  Saying "tag that" can be very funny, but if done by the wrong person and the wrong time, it can be horrifically unfunny.  So, just use your best judgement and try not to over do it.  Good luck.

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