Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gary Busey on Business

Well, Gary Busey strikes again.  I don't know if anyone out there has seen this yet, but I hope you appreciate it. Gary gives some wonderful advice on entrepreneurial-ship and has some fabulous ideas.
Add Gary Busey on Business - Featured to your page

I for one have no idea why the company who made this, gotvmail, wanted Gary Busey to be be their spokesperson. I think Busey is hilarious, but I could never take anything he says seriously, especially anything business related. I don't know if they thought that Busey had enough star power to carry their idea, which he doesn't, or if they thought that his humor would make prospective clients want to join, which it won't, but either way this is a strange pick. Busey is like a cult classic movie, loved by few, not really known my many. I don't think the people like myself who truly appreciate Busey's nuttiness are the type of people that this company is trying to draw in. Most of us are deadbeats not really looking to do any type of business. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but not likely.

P.S. I really miss I'm With Busey.

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