Sunday, July 20, 2008

WIll the Real Batman Please Stand Up

With the new batman movie The Dark Knight setting all sorts of records, including the best opening weekend ever, I though I'd give you a little taste of the best batman movie of all time, the one that set the stage for both Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Batman and Robin.  Enjoy this clip of some of the better scenes of the movie.
If that's not some of the finest cinematography I've ever seen, I don't know what it is.  And the quick wit and sharp tongue of all characters adds an aspect to batman never seen in the previous movies.  All actors do a great job with playing their characters and really bringing them to life and set the bar extremely high for all future batman movies.  With out this classic batman movie we would never have been able to appreciate The Dark Knight nearly as much as we do.  

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