Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Corey Haim Back on the Nose Candy

We all know that I love Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, as well as their television show The Two Coreys.  We also all know how I feel about the upcoming sequel to The Lost Boys (it's going to be awful).  Well, when you put the two together I figure something special has to happen.  At the very least watching the two Coreys filming such a cheesy movie has to be entertaining.  And what could go wrong?  Well, watch the following clip to find out.

It turns out a lot could go wrong.  If you were listening to the end their you can hear a little snorting noise.  If that's not one of the more awkward things to hear and watch on television I don't know what is.  Poor ol' Corey Haim is back on that powder, while poor ol' Corey Feldman has to deal with that cry baby.  Neither is in a very good position.  In the defense of Haim he just really wants to get into his character, and if his character is a crack dealer, than he's doing a really good job getting into character.  Why they are still "friends" I'm not quite sure, but it seems as though Feldman got the short end of the stick on that friendship.  And Haim is yet another example of a child star gone wrong and then getting better and then going wrong again.  Typical Hollywood.  Oh well, I still love you Corey (insert either last name).

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