Thursday, October 23, 2008

Answer for always wanted to know

Always wanted to know writes:

If you poop with a thong on do you think that the poop would split into half? Or would it simply be forced to one side of the thong?

First off, this is a very gross question and not a subject I would typically touch upon here at Todder's Playhouse. However, since you asked, I am obliged to answer, and answer to the best of my ability. Secondly, assuming you are a guy, why have you always wanted to know this? When I see a girl in a thong, or a thong at any period in time for that matter, the last thing I'd ever want to be thinking about is whether or not it could split her turd in two. But I guess whatever floats your boat, or whatever floats your poop for that matter. (If my assumption is wrong and this is a girl, I apologize. Why don't you just go and try for yourself? That way you'll know for sure.)

Ok, now that all that is behind us, I can get to my answer. My hypothesis for this question is that if a girl has a bigger than average butt the poop may indeed split in half. To test this theory I would need two groups of girls, one with small butts and one with bigger butts. I would then proceed to ask them to poop while wearing a thong. To make sure that there is only one variable, the butt size, I would have every girl wear the same thong. And it would not be one of those mesh like thongs because I don't want any sort of poop grating going on or anything like that.

The reason I think girls with bigger butts are more likely to split their poo in two while wearing a thong is because I would think that they are more likely to get a wedgie than girls with smaller butts. The further that thong is up there the and the tigther it is the more likely it is to split the poop right down the middle. It's definitely a long shot, but I think if the poop were soft enough and the thong were tight enough and wedged up there enough, a splitting may in fact take place.

Thanks for the really gross question and thus really gross answer I had to give for it always wanted to know. I hope I gave a good enough answer for you, but there's only one way for you to really find out. You just have to put that thong on and try it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't a guy try too?