Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Happened to You Halloween?

I just wanted to take this time, a mere two days prior to Halloween, to discuss my current disgust with the once glorious holiday. We all know that in the past I have been one of the most creative and glorious costume wearers in the history of the holiday. Not only were all of my costumes ground breaking and above the curve that is other costume wearers, but they also required a lot of guts and bravery to be pulled off (i.e. the butt mommy in eight grade). I have always believed greatly in the spirit of Halloween, that is why I dared to wear such outrageous costumes. They didn't all turn out as well as I had hoped (i.e. the priest and the holy shit) but they were all worn with the Halloween spirit in mind. A spirit which I have seen betrayed and stepped on in past years and a spirit which I myself am losing.

Halloween for me has always been about being creative and having fun. I've always looked forward to the October 31st as a day I can shine and watch others shine as well. But that is no longer the case. I have seen Halloween become a day of whoredome and tastelessness, a day of zero fun and zero humor. Maybe it's just because I've grown older. Maybe it's because when I was younger I didn't notice the older women dressing up as whatever requires the least amount of clothing to be worn, but it disgusts me. Where has the love gone? Where has the creativity gone? Where are the costumes that make others laugh and smile rather than making them think of many unholy things. And don't get the wrong idea, this isn't just for women. There are also the men who dress up as cavemen and other sleeveless wonders to show off their finely tuned muscles. Or the men who still wear the pimp costume and somehow still think it's funny. Well, it's not funny so get a new costume.

I'll be the first to admit that I am an elitist when it comes to Halloween. I hold very high standards for costumes and rarely can others live up to that standard. However, that shouldn't stop them from trying. Try something new. Go out on a limb. Wear something that makes you look like an idiot, that's what this holiday is all about. It's not about showing off your cleavage or your man bulge, it's about having fun and being creative, and each year I see that betrayed my soul is crushed just a little bit more.

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