Sunday, November 2, 2008

Todd's Dreams #2

In this dream which I had a few days ago, myself and my friend Matt O'Donnell (spelling of his name may or may not be correct) were to put on a play. But no, this was no ordinary play. It was a two man show that we put together after an episode of CSI. The episode of CSI which we were turning into a play was an episode which was about me (I don't think it's too big a stretch that they would make an episode about me). It was a dinner theater type of play wear Matt and I were on a circle stage surrounded by people. The play was to be a comedy. When we were about to start acting it out I woke up. Quite unfortunate because I would have loved to have seen myself act out an episode of CSI based on me. Priceless. Let the deciphering begin.

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