Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Answer for Who's on the Microphone?

Who's on the Microphone? writes

Dear Lon's Son, aka God's Son,

I'm a white kid from the suburbs and I love rap music. I have a habit of spitting along with my favorite lyricists while their tunes are filling up my eardrums. Every once in a while these rappers use a word that is unacceptable for someone like me to repeat outloud so I tend to substitute that word with a synonym, but I really feel, and as a hip-hop head I think you'll agree, that it detracts from the authenticity of the music.

My question for you is whether or not it is ok to say the N word while singing along to rap music?

Well Who's on the Microphone?, I'm pretty sure you already know my answer to this one but I shall answer your question nonetheless. First off, I too have many of your same issues. I am a "white boy." I am from "the burbs." And I love to "spit rhymes" over "dumb beats" and rap a long with my favorite "gangstas." However, where I differ from you is that rather than subsituting synonyms for the more foul words said, I simply sensor myself. I clean it up as if it were coming straight from the radio. I sometimes even lip the word rather than speaking it out loud. God forbid anyone should hear me speak such horrid words it may just be the end of my days as a gentleman. I don't think it detracts from the authenticity of the music because I'm not changing the actual music, but rather I'm making it more ear friendly, and thus making it more me.

As far as the N word goes, I personally feel that coming from a neighborhood as white as white it is never ok to use the N word. But hey, if you feel the need to do it, go right ahead. Just watch out for who's around, you don't want the wrong ears to hear whitey speaking black. That's just no good.

1 comment:

Mark Mino said...

What up Body,

Solid discrepancy you have arisen. I, you know, am as well white, from the 'burbs, and I definitly like to listen to rap. Often guilty of doing the same things; always spit my game along with the songs when I'm in the car alone of even when people are around by accident.

Getting to your point, I feel it is appropriate with some discretion. I have seen and myself been called the N word by minorities from my baseball teams and such all harmlessly. Definitly be aware of company around and most definitly around the crowds that know your not racist. Without the word it changes the song, honestly doesn't sound as good sadly, and just give s truth to the song.

Take it easy american dream, but if its easy don't take it.