Monday, November 24, 2008

Answer for Rob

Rob asks:

Todd, It's the time of year where women arrive places with hard nips. What are some techniques to avoid letting these hotties see me looking at their nips.

Thanks Bro.

Rob, this is a question that man has pondered since the dawn of tight t-shirts. To date, there have been no reliable breakthroughs in the field of staring at women's nipples without getting caught, but I can give you a few tips that will hopefully prevent you from being caught staring.

The most obvious technique is the glance. Only make short eye contact with said region of the female body. The longer you stare the more likely you are to get caught. For this technique to truly work you'll have to learn some patience and restraint, and you may want to practice a little before using this technique out in the field. Perhaps put up some poster of attractive females on your walls and pretend they are the real deal.

The next technique is wearing sunglasses. Although this technique is not appropriate for all situations, it is extremely reliable and easy to pull off. You just have to make sure you wear a pair of sunglasses where the woman cannot see your eyes, otherwise it is all for naught. I personally suggest those sunglasses that look like mirrors. Not only will you yourself look cool, but if the woman you are trying to stare at is really superficial she'll see herself in your glasses and will not be able to resist checking herself out. She may even take a few steps closer to you to get a closer look, in which case you'll have an even better vantage point on "the goods".

Another technique you may want to think about using is the non-direct glance. If in wherever you are there are mirrors or reflective surfaces, try looking at the women via these surfaces. You may not get as good or as clean of a look as a direct glance can offer, but you are also much less likely to get caught. The reward isn't quite as big, but it is a fairly safe method.

If things are really bad, there is a final technique you may want to try, a technique that I myself do not recommend. This technique is called abstinence. Just don't look. I know it's easier said than done, but if you pull it off well the woman you wouldv'e been looking at may think you are a sweet and sincere guy and not just trying to fulfill any carnal cravings you may have. Since abstinence is a difficult technique you may need to take some extreme steps. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING IDEA IS NOT RECOMMENDED BY ANYONE AT TODDER"S PLAYHOUSE AND SHOULD BE USED ONLY IN EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. A step you can take to make abstinence a more easily accoplished feat is to picture the women's breasts that you would be staring at as your mothers or sisters. This should immediately curb any and all desires you have of looking at said woman's nipples.

I wish you luck on your journeys Rob. You are traveling down a difficult road, but with these techniques now at your disposal, I know you will succeed.

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