Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why Aren't I Famous Yet?

I've got the looks.  I've got the attitude.  I've got fantastic wordplay.  I've got the creativity.  And I've sure as shit got the humor.  So why aren't I famous yet?  It's a good question that I have no answer for.  I've paid my dues and I think I'm deserving of some recognition.  I'll be the first to admit that my posting numbers have dropped a bit as of late, but that's only because I'm not being shown the love that I once was.  I know you couldn't tell from looking at me, but on the inside of this chiseled and well groomed exterior is a soft, doughy center that needs love and confirmation, and I simply haven't been receiving it much lately and it has taken a toll on my blogging abilities.  I've tried to push through it but poor publicity and a lack of stardom has an effect on even The Bod.  I just wanted to share my feelings with you.  I'm not going to try to coerce you into spreading the word again because I know it won't work.  I just wanted to let you know how I'm feeling.  I'm not mad, just disappointed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry Bod. I still love you.