Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Under Siege 3: Extra Terrestrials

In a move that is bound to go nowhere, Steven Seagal has stepped up and said that he wants to make another Under Siege movie.  This time he doesn't want to be stuck on a boat or a train, and he doesn't want to be fighting mere humans.  Steven wants to take it up a notch.  Although Steven may not get his wish, ideally Steven, “Wouldn’t mind if it was about something more mystical or…maybe extraterrestrial in nature. Some real government top secrets instead of just the typical.”  Amen Steven.  And although this can't miss idea of Steven Seagal fighting aliens may not make it to the big screen, at least Steven wants to take his kung-fu action to places it hasn't been before.  He's tired of kicking human ass.  It's time to kick alien ass.

For anyone out there interested, this is how I see the plot of Under Siege 3: Extra Terrestrials unfolding.  Casey Ryback (played by Steven Seagal) is hired to be the chef on board a NASA flight to Mars.  He's hired because his culinary skills are intergalacticly known and the astronauts on board this flight are really picky about what they eat.  While flying to Mars the ship has some malfunctions due to being grazed by a small asteroid.  It turns out that it is no mere asteroid, but rather a alien spacecraft.  The aliens board the ship and take control of it.  They threaten to bomb Washington from space and ask for one billion US dollars to be wired to their space account.  The aliens, not recognizing that Casey Ryback is an ex-Navy Seal and full time ass kicker, forget about the chef in the back of the ship.  Ryback makes his way through the ship taking out one alien at a time.  Eventually Ryback takes out all of the aliens, turns the ship around, and lands it safely back at earth.  The End.

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