Friday, October 3, 2008

Answer for oneofthebens

Oneofthebens writes:

As a long time reader and by all standards a darn good contributor to the site, I was taken back by your Bod Says segment on All That. Am I the only one that didn't hate Lori Beth Denberg, Pierre Escargot, Kenan/Kel, and one of the Pete's? I agree Amanda Bynes sucked, you got me there. But an SNL for children with hiphop shows at the end? What's not to like Bod? Dare I say, the Ben says the Bod is mistaken? Is this one instance where the integrity of the advice has been shaved?

First off, no this is not one instance, "where the integrity of the advice has been shaved," as you so bluntly put it. Second off, you better not dare to say that the Bod is mistaken for he is not. Although I am quite aware of your great contributions to Todder's Playhouse, and I must admit that it would not be as a wonderful place without your thought provoking questions, the Bod should not be questioned. A little playful banter is alright, but an outright calling the Bod out is just not nice.

You are entitled to your opinions, but All That was, and always will be, awful. Although there are some dec (that's short for decent, it's hard to spell it out) skits, and having an intro by TLC is pretty sweet (although it's no Coolio) I personally just could never stomach watching All That. There is a good probability that you are the only person that doesn't hate Lori Beth Denberg, because she was incredibly annoying Although she eventually graduated to The Steve Harvey Show, she'll never escape her shameful past where she never once gave out a single piece of vital information for my everyday life. Pierre Escargot was ok but only because he's a black man pretending to be French. I love Danny Tamberelli, but his role on All That could never touch his days on Pete and Pete. Kenan and Kel was probably the best part of the show but that duo can only take you so far. And after the golden years (more like bronze, ha ha ha (get it, cause it was never that good)) when all the best cast members left, the show was truly a shit hole.

In conclusion, I'm sorry oneofthebens that you actually enjoyed this show. It simply was not funny. Maybe I was just a little mature for my age, but I never succumbed to watching All That, and I feel that I am stronger for it. But who knows, maybe you're the better person for being able to sit throught that drivel, but I know I never could, and I never will.

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