Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rule of Life #3

It has been a lot time since I have presented you with a rule of life and I am sorry for those of you running around out there like a chicken without it's head not knowing what to do without anymore rules of life.  Well, I apologize to you and I am back to put you on the right track.

This rule of life is about tipping.  Tipping is a very important aspect of life and if you don't know when and how to do it you can become very lost.  First off, tip your waiters around 20%.  If they suck then feel free to drop that percentage a bit, but you don't want to be known as that asshole who doesn't tip.  Not only are they handling your food and as such can do nasty stuff to it, but you don't want the non-tipper stigma attached to you.  You should also tip your local bartender (I know most of you out there are still in college, so I know you're going to your local watering hole.  Being college involves tipping, so be college.)

Below are some do's and don'ts of tipping.  You should follow them pretty religiously, but sometimes you will have to use your best judgement.  I know you'll do the right thing.

Do tip your waiter/waitress.  Do tip your bartender.  Don't tip your gas attendant (price is added into the gas price for full service).  Do tip your cleaning lady at your hotel.  Don't tip someone at a fast food place just because they have a cup (unless you have unwanted change.  You can throw that right in. (And if your Matt O'D you can reach right in there and take some out.) )  Do tip the bellhop.  Don't tip your friends who are helping you move (just say you'll buy them dinner and never do it.)  Do tip your mechanic or anyone fixing your car.  Don't tip your prostitute.  Do tip your stripper.  Don't tip your mailman, gardener, cleaning women, and so forth (just give them christmas bonuses or something).

There may be other occasions which arise which call for tipping or a lack of tipping.  Hopefully the guidelines given above will help you make the decision on your own.  Tipping is a tricky thing and you never want to just give away your money, but when it doubt, pull it out (your money that is.)  Best of luck.

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