Thursday, May 1, 2008

Todd's Stories #4

Since their is such a huge amount of requests for Todd's Stories (it did win the poll) I shall be giving a two-part Todd's story tonight. So put on your happy hats and prepare to be part of the life of Todd.

As a child, as we all know Todd was a strange child. If he wasn't, Todd's Stories simply would not be as entertaining. One of the strangest parts of Todd's childhood was that he did not enjoy sleeping in his own bed. No, he much preferred the floor at the foot of his parents bed. He even invited his friends when they slept over to sleep in his parents room (Julian Stauffer was the only one to ever accept). So that is where he slept for many a year. Cuddled into a little ball on the rug, Todd was happy as an otter. However, his parents were not always quite as happy as he was.

Due to the fact that Todd slept in his parents room way past the age he should have, his parents had to take some drastic steps. We all know that Todd is quite frugal and is also a bit of a scammer. As such his parents realized that paying Todd to sleep in his own room was probably their best option. So they decided to pay him $2 for every night he slept in his own bedroom. Todd, not being one to pass on the chance for easy money, took them up on their offer. This started Todd's long history of scamming and hoarding money. Plus, his parents were finally able to sleep without hearing little Todd snore and grind his teeth at the end of their bed.

The second part of Todd's Story begins while he was still sleeping in his parents bedroom, or so he thought.

One night Todd woke up in the middle of the night. Since he was on the floor in the middle of his parent's bedroom, he was no where near a light. It was pitch black, he had to go to the bathroom, and a light switch was no where to be found. So, like any reasonable child, he decided to scream for his dad to turn on the lights. "Dad. Daaad. Daaaaaaddd!" he screamed. However, there was no response.

Feeling brave this night Todd decided to make the trip on his own. He carefully tried to stand up, only find that he was in a bed. He couldn't have been more confused. That is until he realized, "ohhh, my parents moved my bed into their room." With this decided, Todd got up and walked to where the light switch should be, only to walk into a wall. He finally turned on the light switch to discover that he was actually in his own room, and that he was a complete idiot.

The moral of the story is make money anyway you can and when you wake up in the middle of the night make sure you know where you went to sleep.

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