Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Calling all fans.

I would like to take this time to extend my hand to all of my loyal fans, any new fans, and all fans to come in the future. I sit here, behind the computer screen, in my large and comfortable thrown, and wonder, what do my fans want to hear about? Although I may seem egocentric at times, and those of you who think so have been heard and will be dealt with accordingly, I do care about my fans. They are who I write for. Make no mistake, I do not write for myself. These thoughts I put down are constantly flowing through my brain and no blog is needed for me to hear them. This blog is for you. It is a median through which I can educate you and teach you about the world and about all that is great about myself. As such, I try to do my best to help all of you with your journey through life. However, I am only one extraordinary man. As such, I do not always recognize the needs of my people. That is why it is up to you, my fans and viewers, to give me input on what you want to hear about. Don't be shy. I will take your comments and feed off of them, spawning even more information, more information than you have ever dreamed of. So, all you Todder's Playhouse fans out there, send me your comments so that I can further educate you about your concerns. Do not be afraid, I will only make fun of you if it is a dumb comment you have sent me. Until next time, this is Todd, Todder's Playhouse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know what i want you to talk about! hah!