Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wall-E is a fraud

I have known this fact for a while and I have finally decided to voice my concern publicly about it. Wall-E, the new movie and character in an upcoming Pixar film, is a fraud. You may be asking yourself how that cute, innocent looking robot could possibly be a fraud. You may also be asking yourself how this kid knows Wall-E is a fraud and he hasn't even seen the movie yet. Well, I'll tell you how I know he's a fraud, because I've seen the movie Short Circuit. In Short Circuit, there is a robot named Johny 5, a robot that Wall-E is a direct replication of, only in cartoon form.

You can see for yourself what a phony Wall-E really is. They have the same puppy-dog eyes, strikingly similar features, and they even have the same way of moving using those triangular pads (although this cannot be seen in this picture it is the truth). I've known of the greatness of Johny 5 for quite some time now, and to see his character being blatantly stolen and turned into a cartoon is a crying shame. Johny 5 was a robot of integrity and love and one which would never want to see himself turned into a cartoon for a quick buck. Johny 5 was and will always be a hero to me, and this Wall-E character will never be able to live up to his name. Long live Johny 5.


Anonymous said...

BOO this post, you can't even take the author's word for anything because he isn't even going out to 101 days until graduation, WALL-E will kick Johny 5's ass any day of the week

Anonymous said...

he has a good excuse not to go out!
and ive seen short circuit and agree that he was stolen but still cute!
todd, you are a dork though.