Saturday, March 8, 2008

Todd: The Video Game

I have great news for ego-maniacs such as myself. There is a new Rainbow Six video game coming out called Rainbow Six Vegas 2 where you can actually upload pictures of yourself so that your character looks like you. I have long awaited the day where I can play as myself in a video game. Although this is only a small step towards a video game about me and starring me, it is a step in the right direction. What video gamer doesn't want to see a little digital version of themself on the televesion? There is none, and that is why this is such a great idea. Now all of us nerds get to feel like badasses by beating the crap out of people in a video game without ever having to leave the safety of our gaming chair.

The next step is a video game where you can replay your entire life, hopefully making decisions you have long regretted not making (I always wished I had gone after my lifelong dream of becoming a professional ping pong player. Now I can.) It would be like having a child and living vicariously through them without actually having to ruin their life. Or, if you want to see what it was like to be popular you can play as one of the cool kids. It's perfect. So get on that Ubisoft and other such game makers. The days of playing as Todd are not far off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so you did want to be popular..