Sunday, October 19, 2008

Todd's Dreams #1

No this isn't a post about my undying dream to swim in a pool of jello.  This is a post about my nighttime dreams.  It will be the first in hopefully many posts to come where I share with you what went through my mind the previous night.  I rarely remember my dreams fully and I rarely remember many details so it will get sketchy, but try to enjoy it nonetheless.  Ok, here we go.

Last night I had a dream that me and several of my friends were being chased by a wolf, but it was a wolf with superpowers of some sort.  Unfortunately, I don't remember what friends were with me and that would probably have been interesting.  At any rate, after running around for a while we got to my old house.  We buried two of my friends under ground in these wooden cages with the hope that the wolf wouldn't smell them under the dirt.  How they were going to breath down there, I'm not quite sure.  That's probably why I didn't choose to get buried.  I'm smart like that.  Me and my other friend went into my house.  Along with us was my dog Kobe and some other dog that I didn't know.  I decided we should hide in the attic, so that's where we went.  The attic steps are located in my parents closet, and when we went to go up into the attic Kobe and the other dog were no where to be found.  Since I'm not one to leave an innocent dog behind to be devoured by a wolf, I called for those two lonely dogs.  Kobe came immediately since I knew his name and called for him.  I did not know the other dogs name and so could not call for him, and so I had to chase him down.  I could sense that the wolf was closing in and that our time to hide was running out.  I frantically searched for the dog only to be awaken by my alarm.  

That's Todd's Dreams #1.  Feel free to search for deeper meaning in my dream and inform me of any incite you may have made into the psyche that is Todd Easton.  Thanks.


Anonymous said...

you should have someone who isn't qualified to interpret dreams always accompany your todd dreams segment with they're analysis.

It could go something like this...

The two dogs represent your two internships. You clearly prefer one over the other, illustrated by your knowledge of Kobe's name in the dream. The wolf represents the realization that you may have to choose just one path, as hesitant as you may be to leave as you say "an innocent dog behind" it may be best for your future to do so.

Anonymous said...

P.S. like how i said they're instead of their? Can't teach that shit. Always preview your post before publishing!!

Anonymous said...

I like the accompaniment of a second post interpreting the dreams. However, I feel the analysis should be more accurate:

The wolf represents Halloween and your fear of men more hairy and aggressive then yourself which has been haunting you for sometime and now has arrived at your new house despite you having moved several years ago. The absence of your parents simply means they were probably out to dinner most likely with the Prince's. The two dogs are interesting because Kobe clearly represents a pug, in fact it represents the pug you own; Kobe, hence Kobe represents Kobe. The other dog represents the new dog you will be receiving for Christmas from your parents. You did not know his name because you have not yet decided on a name, which could become a conflict later when you actually receive the dog, therefore start thinking of dog names as soon as possible. The significance of burying your friends looks to be a more enigmatic explanation. The two friends you buried in cages represent the Moon and the Sun, two things that can never be together yet always strive to be closer.