Sunday, February 10, 2008


While browsing the internet from the kitchen counter of my girlfriend's house I realized something: there are a lot of beard posers out there.  Although I once was opposed to the beard, after being tricked into growing one while abroad I have grown in and out of beards frequently.  I have always had a remarkable ability to grow facial hair and a thick beard, I just never took advantage of it.  After that first birth of beard beauty it has been mostly beard and scruff for me, and although I look dirty at times, that's fine with me.  However, I have recently taken notice to the increase of beards out there in the world.  To those people out there trying to grow their trendy facial hair I only have one thing to say to you: Your facial hair is not as good as mine and just give up.  I liked having a beard when I was the only one.  Now that more and more people feel the need to have one it's just not the same.  Granted I rarely see a beard as glorious as mine, it still pushes my buttons when I see someone else around my age with a beard.  Call me self-centered, but I want me and only me to have a beard (and maybe some of my friends if it's funny).  In the end, it turns out my growing a beard is like me wearing a puffy vest in the third grade, it started a very popular trend once other people saw how good I looked with it.


Anonymous said...

you and your posts -- could be the most egocentric person i know, the world does not revolve around you, MAKE EM EAT IT

Anonymous said...

your beard is amazing, no one elses even comes close. dont worry.