Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Poor Man's Actors

This post is dedicated to poor man's actors. This is referring to actors who remind you of other, better actors. You, or at least I do, get them confused with their superior actor or actress. It is annoying at times, but on occasions makes for a good laugh. Here they come.

Eric Bana: The Poor Man's Christian Bale
Eric Bana and Christian Bale come first because this is the weakest of the comparisons. It was better before Eric Bana's star started to rise. Pre-Munich, this was a pretty solid poor man's actor comparison. They look slightly similar, besides Bale's fang like teeth (I don't know why he hasn't played a vampire yet), and nowadays, are both solid actors.

(Watch out for those dragons Mr. Bale.)

Geena Davis: The Poor Man's Julia Roberts
Oh, they may not look too much alike, but you get them mixed up sometimes, admit it. Maybe not so much now that Geena Davis has all but disappeared, but back in the days of Beetlejuice and before Julia Roberts became so famous, the two were indistinguishable. Julia may have left Geena in the dust, but Geena's memories live on.

(Julia's now the one in a league of her own(Get it, Geena Davis was in a movie called A League of Their Own(Good one right.)))

Val Kilmer: The Poor Man's Brad Pitt
Who amongst us hasn't asked, "Who's that guy that's not Brad Pitt?" I know I have. On numerous occasions I have mixed the two up and needed help figuring out who was who. These days, while Brad is off saving Africa and adopting children with Angelina, Val has pretty much disappeared. However, there was a time, not too long ago, when anyone could have confused the two. I for one thought that Val was going to be the really famous one. I turned out to be way off. Only one of them could move on, and it was Brad.

(I think Val's the better looking one? Plus, with a name now Val, how can you lose?)

Skeet Ulrich: The Poor Man's Johnny Depp
There was a time right after Chill Factor where I though to myself, "Wow, this guy is going to be big." I thought that because I though Skeet Ulrich was Johnny Depp. Although Johnny did make it big, poor ol' Skeet was left behind. Skeet is making a bit of a name for himself in Jericho, but in my mind, he'll always be that guy that's not Johnny Depp.

(Skeet must have been mad when the word Skeet "came" to mean cumming on a girls face. Probably Johnny's worst movie can be seen here.")

So those are my poor man's actors. They are a bunch of actors who, for some reason, were just left behind. It's sad really, but there can't be two of the same people hitting it big in Hollywood, that just wouldn't be right. Though it is a matter of survival of the fittest amongst these actors I beg of you, please at least think of the lesser actor when you see the better one up their on the big screen.


Anonymous said...

Ironically, I like all the Poor-Man's better (except Bale -- he's leagues ahead of Bana).

I think Geena Davis is more appealing as a person (julia roberts' fake laugh makes me want to slap her phony smile off her horse-face)

Val Kilmer is FAR more talented than Brad Pitt -- but apparently a d*ck on set.

Bale is just better on every level from Bana. Acting/looks/charisma etc.

And, I'm more of a Skeet Ulrich fan myself. I think he wasn't as hooked into Hollywood, and so was never really sent the A-list scripts. Unfortunate because, I think he is the best looking of the bunch (even more handsome than Bale) and actually better at dramatic acting than Depp.

I know Depp is the hyped one right now, but I find he relies heavily on costumes and caracitures. In dramatic roles, I find Skeet is more believable and real. Leaving Hollywood for two years to raise his kids was the kiss of death career-wise, but so happy he is back on Jericho.

Anonymous said...

ironically, i disagree with the above post on all accounts.

julia is priceless- her smile and sparkling eyes are always perfect on screen. geena is good too, just not as good.

brad pitt is more in shape and much more attractive that val. why would you use a washed up actor instead of brad?

bana is the best up and coming name. he is sexy and actually good at his different roles. everything knows that there is a guy who plays batman, but no one remembers his name really.

and depp is just classic. he is doing all these different movies for his kids, so they can watch them when they get older. so his whacky characters and film choices are for a reason. and johnny has been able to raise kids and work, all at the same time.