The heart of this blog is about Mr. Ford. Harrison, or Harry as I like to call him, used to be the man. He did the Star Wars movies, he did the Indiana Jones movies, he did Fugitive, and it seemed as though he was on top of the world. Then, some where in between 6 days and 7 nights, Air Force One, and Firewall, he lost his way. Hopefully this is a return to the old Harrison. The Harrison who strutted his thing across the silver screen with no regard for others. The Harrison that lived life with a Blastech DL-44 and a whip and wouldn't hesitate to kill you with either if you looked at him the wrong way. We miss you Harrison, we hope you still have that edge and we hope to see you soon.
Your loyal fans
you mean loyal fan?
Indian Jones is cool. I prefer Indiana Jones, but if you like Indian Jones better that's your call.
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