Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Aren't the Japanese Slim Enough?

Apparenlty Japan, not known as being a country of large waist sizes, has decided to take an extreme step towards making it's citizens as healthy as can be. A national law which came into effect two months ago requires companies and local governments alike to measure the waistline of Japanese people between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual checkups. Those that are too husky and exceed the waistline limit - 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women - and have weight related issues will be given dieting guidance if they have not lost weight in 3 months. Look out! Guidelines on healthy eating and exercise! If you you have not lost weight in 6 months, further re-direction! What an awful world!

With the goal of shrinking the overweight population by 10% within 4 years and 25% within 7 years, the government will impose fines on companies and local governments which fail to meet specific targets. The Ministry of Health says that these goals will help decrease the number of cases of diabetes and other weight related problems as well as lower health care costs.

The first thing I thought of when I read this was that it was extremely stupid. It's so stupid not only because Japanese people are in general pretty skinny, but also because what kind of punishment is giving dieting guidelines? If you really want to make people lose weight whip them or something. For every 1/10th of an inch over the guideline you get one lashing. That number gets doubled every inch you exceed the guideline. That'll teach 'em to have those love handles! Or give them food rations. That way you know they're not eating too much. Come on Japan, if you want your citizens to lose weight, really go after them. Don't be such pussies and simply give them guidelines for healthy living, give them pain and agony, that's the only way they'll learn.

The second thing I thought of when I read this was how funny it would be if something like this was implemented in America. At least every other person would exceed the limit. Imagine that, over half the population being forced to lose weight. Plus, they'd be learning how to lose some weight and not eat at McDonald's 5 times a week. What a disaster! What kind of America would we be living in if everyone was in shape? Not the kind of America I want to live in, I'll tell you that much.

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