Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Beverly Hills Cop for the Children

I'm sure by now everyone is aware that there is going to be a Beverly Hills Cop 4 in the somewhat near future. What you may not know is that the director, Brett Ratner, is aiming to make it more children friendly than perhaps it's predecessors. Ratner says this, "10-year-old kids, 12-year-old kids don’t really know the old ‘Beverly Hills Cop.’ So it’s an opportunity to make it new for kids. The same way it felt for me watching ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ when I was a kid, that’s what I want to do for kids today." To this I say, don't be such a pussy Ratner.

First off (there will be no second off, I just like to start paragraphs like this), I don't remember any of the Beverly Hills Cop being particularly over the top with violence or bad language. They were a good mix of action and well timed curse words to add that comedic effect needed in certain moments. Why an already pretty low-offensiveness series needs to be even further dulled down I am not quite sure, but it sounds like Ratner is simply being an ass and ruining another theoretically great movie and series (i.e. X-Men 3).

Come on Ratner, you got a spice it up a bit. Throw in some bitches, fucks, assholes, and pussies. Don't be afraid of showing some blood splattering all over Eddie Murphy's face. I don't know much about the movie yet, but if their is a sex scene, show a little tittie. Let it all hang out (no pun intended). You're behind the healm of the newest edition to one of the better and more humorous cop series of all time, so don't fuck it Ratner.

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