Friday, June 13, 2008

No Funky Bunch Reunion for this Wahlberg

On the heels of his brother Donnie's much anticipated reunion with the New Kids on the Block, many are wondering if his brother Mark would be willing to reunite with the band which threw him into the spot light. However, when asked if Marky Mark would ever reunite with the Funky Bunch, Mark Wahlberg replied "Not a Funking chance." (He actually said, "Not a fucking chance, but funking would have been way more clever and funny.)

After all he's been through it seems like Marky Mark has forgotten about his roots. The Funky Bunch are what made Mark who he is today, and without them he would be nothing. To that I say shame on you Mr. Wahlberg. The Funky Bunch are a part of your history that you can't simply just shrug off, no matter how embarassing it was. Never call yourself Marky Mark again. You no longer deserve the name. The Funky Bunch are better off without you.

Wahlberg goes on to say that, "Hip-hop is a young man's game." I'm sorry Mark, what you did was not hip-hop. That wasn't even music. That was you showing off your abs and making 13 year old girls scream for you while making a fool of yourself. If hip-hop being a young man's game is your excuse for no reunion, you are going to have to do better than that.
Despite my criticisms here I do consider myself a fan of Wahlberg's. For someone to make a serious acting career after having a name like Marky Mark and "rapping" along side a group called the Funky Bunch is extremely impressive. That's almost as impressive as if Pee-Wee Herman made a big time come back (which I wish would happen). Wahlberg's obvious best role was in I Heart Huckabees, a performance which was Oscar worthy. Other than that he has been in some solid B flicks, and to do that after running around like such a clown is incredible, so hat's off to you Marky Mark, even if you are no longer part of the Funky Bunch.

To see interview click here: Marky Mark

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