Thursday, December 4, 2008

Knight Rider, You Shall be Missed?

(How could you possiby expect to replace this guy?)

I was recently requested to give a eulogy of sorts for the show Knight Rider, which, after a horrendous first season, has been cancelled. Out of respect for the requester I will touch upon the subject, however I can't possibly do it in the fashion which he would like. I can't bring myself to pretend like I will mourn the loss of Knight Rider, nor can I act like I am suprised. To remake a show that starred David Hasselhoff and to ask some mere mortal to try and fill in the enormous shoes left behind by the Hoff is simply asking the impossible. It's like trying to remake Baywatch. Sure it would succeed because of all the bouncing boobies, but without the aura and glow of the Hoff it just wouldn't be the same. And that is the fate of Knight Rider. Althought it was a somewhat valiant effort at a remake, it simply could not be done. So I bid thee a not-so-fond fairwell Knight Rider 2008. I never watched a single one of your episodes, and I never will.


Anonymous said...

I loved Knight Rider and I think it was really overlooked as a great show. If there is ever a $50 min. Secret Santa, should I buy the Knight Rider DVD for someone?

The Bod said...

No, you should not buy the Knight Rider DVD set for anyone unless they are a huge fan or if you really want to disappoint them with a bad gift.