Monday, December 8, 2008

Todd's Stories #12

Religion can be a confusing topic for children. Heck, it's a confusing topic to most adults. The whole idea of a greater being and having faith in a god is a very tricky topic, especially to young children. So imagine my confusion when I found out that I was half Christian and half Jewish (I know I'm not really Jewish at all since my mom isn't Jewish, but you can't expect a child to understand why Jews are so picky about who gets accepted into their exclusive club.)

Anywho, this Todd's Story isn't about my inability to grasp the meaning of religion at a young age, but rather it's about my inability to remember the names of the two religions I was a part of. I'm going to give the ballpark age of 6 for this incident because that's a pretty safe number, but to be honest I don't really remember when this occurred and it could have taken place anywhere between ages 6-12. I had just learned of my religions and I had simultaneously heard my older brother and sister talking about gay people (I don't know why they were talking about this subject. To be honest my brother was actually probably just calling me gay, but that's a topic for another, much longer post.) So, when my parents asked me what religion I was while riding in the car one day, I replied that I was half Jew and half gay (a religion where I get to hang out with all guys. I'm in!) My entire family erupted in laugther and my brother still to this day makes fun of me for it.

The moral of the story is homosexuality has yet to be accepted as a religion.

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