Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2 for 1 of Great Movie News

I have two glorious tidbits of movie information I hope you will all enjoy as much as I do. The first comes from the movie The Expendables. I've already written enough about this movie and its' remarkable cast so I'll try not to go over the top with my excitement, but there has been some new casting editions that I just could not help but share. The first is Eric Roberts. For those of you who don't know who Eric Roberts is, he is brother of actress Julia Roberts, one of the creepiest men on the planet, and star of such wonderful films as The Specialist (along side Sly Stallone himself), The Shadow Men, Best of the Best II, and my personal favorite, Best of the Best.

The other great addition to the cast is none other than the Governor himself. Although due to the terrible condition of California these days he may not be able to get away from his day job, Arnold is slated to be in The Expendables. The long awaited duo of Sly Stallone and Arnold Swartzenegger may finally come together on screen, and it won't just be for a Planet Hollywood promotion (I hope).
The other big news in Hollywood is on another big team up. It's not as big as Jean Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman, but it's equally as quick witted. The movie, titled Trump Heist, will star Chris Tucker and Eddie Murphy. Never before have two careers on such a spiral downward collided at such a late point in their careers (that statement is made for drama purposes only. I have no facts to back it up). Neither of them have been in a good movie in nearly a decade, and with Brett Ratner, Mr. Careerandmoviekiller himself at the reigns, Trump Heist promises not to put an end to that streak.

This just in: I did a little more research on Trump Heist and it seems as though Ratner is going for the black version of Oceans Eleven. I have discovered that non only are Chris Tucker and Eddie Murphy in the same film, two of the fastest talking and most annoying men in the game (their funny in good movies but annoying in bad ones), but also Chris Rock is in the mix. Wow. That is an explosion of obnoxiously loud and over the top humor that I don't think even Brett Ratner can contain. Ratner loves his visual effects, but this time bomb of a team might be more than he can handle. Now if he can only get Martin Lawrence in there. Case closed. Best. Movie. Ever.

This just even more in: I can't possibly believe what I am about to write, but I still have to say it because it's so incredible. I just read that along with Tucker, Murphy, and Rock, Jamie Foxx and Dave Chappelle are also in talks to star in the movie, as well as the big D himself, Denzel Washington. There is slim to no chance that any of this is true, but still, the thought of all of these characters in the same movie will leave a smile on my face for the rest of the night.
UPDATE: Danny Trejo, the scariest man on the planet and the bad guy in practically every b-list movie in existence, has joined the cast of The Expendabls. My wildest dreams are coming true.

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