Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Answer for Anonymous

Anonymous writes:

You are one of the hairiest human beings on the planet. Whether its your facial hair, chest hair or hair on your extremities you are second to none. Has there been an instance where your hairiness has benefited you in some way. Thanks man. Keep up the good work.

First of all, I do not think I am one of the hairiest human beings on the planet. Although I am indeed hairy, and I would be honored and disgusted to call myself one of the worlds hairiest, I just don't think I can. Check out the likes of this guy:
and this guy:
I do not compare to the likes of them, nor the many others like them. Second of all, although my "extremeties" are indeed hairy, I would appreciate it if you could find a more pleasant way to phrase it next time. Extremeties makes it sound like I have hairy growths all over my body (which I don't). And thirdly, if you are going to ask such a personal question, I would appreciate it if you did not hide your identity. Thank you.
As for your question, no, I don't believe my hair has ever been beneficial. I suppose if I was alone in the wilderness on a cold, windy night, it may keep me warmer than I would be otherwise, but that situation has yet to occur. I guess my beard growing abilities has benefited me because it makes me the man (and definitely a man), but it's also quite an annoyance to shave. Overall, my facial and body hair is nothing more than a nuisance and an indication that I am indeed a man.
Oh, and thanks for the words of encouragement. I will keep up the good work.

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