Monday, February 16, 2009

Answer for odonnellMONSTER

odonnellMONSTER writes:

Valentines Day should be changed to Val Day. It would then be a double entendre: not only could we celebrate our love for our significant others but for the pre-eminent force of nature that is Val Kilmer.

I am going to tell you as I told J.R.: this is not the suggestions section, this is the Ask Todd section. The above statement is not a question, and as such I can not recognize it in the Ask Todd section. If you added on to the end of the statement, "So, Todd, what do you think of this idea?", I would have kindly answered that it was a stupid idea. A true fan of Val's such as myself believes that Val deserves his own day and should not have to share it with the day of lovers. And besides, in a true fans heart, every day is Val day, and that shall never change.

Again, this is the Ask Todd section, so please stick to questions.

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