Friday, February 13, 2009

Answer for Rob

Rob writes:

Todd, I lived with you for 2 years at Nova and your eating habits were interesting to say the least. Junior year you ate nothing but salmon, chicken and brown rice. Senior year you branched out to pasta, wawa subs and those lean cuisine things. Have your eating habits matured even more? Thanks man. Hope all is well.

I'll admit that I've had some rather strange eating habits in my life. My time spent as a fat youth played tricks with my mind and made me a bit of a health nut. Freshman through junior years of college were particulary bad. I do not look back fondly upon my days of canned salmon and protein shakes. Senior year my eating habits were strange more for convenience sake than for health sake. However, I am glad to say that those days are behind me. Now, I generally eat what I want, when I want, although convenience is still a major part of the equation (whatevers in the fridge). And since my appetite has become rather large for some reason, that when I want is quite frequently. I am currently eating a lot of scrambled egss with cheese. I also eat a lot of cold cuts, but mostly because they're in the house and I don't want them to go to waste, not so much because I enjoy them.

All is well, Rob, at least in the eating front, and I hope all is well with you too.

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