Friday, February 6, 2009

Atta Boy Val

(He looks like a beached whale.)

In the best news to hit New Mexico since ever, it seems as though Val Kilmer is going to take a page out of the book of Governor Arnold and run for the governor seat in 2010. The former voice of KITT said, "I'm just looking for ways to be contributive. And if that ends up being where I can make a substantial contribution, then I'll run." Now that's the positive attitude I've come to know and love from Val. Kilmer has lived in New Mexico for some 20 years now (God knows why). Although he has yet to decide for certain whether or not to run, he is keeping his ear to the grindstone (I don't know what that means) and listening to the people of New Mexico to discover what it is that they want and need (more balloon festivals!).

I, for one, think that Val would make a great governor. He showed sneakiness and badassness in The Saint. He showed humor in that episode of Entourage where he was a pot dealer. He has a great voice as heard in Knight Rider. He showed great dance moves Top Secret! He showed he can hunt a lion in the Ghost in the Darkness. And he showed he has nipples in Batman Forever. These are all qualities I look for in my governor, and Val oozes all of them. With any luck for the state of New Mexico, he'll throw his hat (his hat from Tombstone that is) into the race, and ride home with the victory in 2010.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were killing it with the Val Kilmer jokes until you got to the "Tombstone" reference. You just don't know when to quit! All you care about are the giggles and giggles that you charitably distribute to the public. You're a floozy! Isn't that what you really are? Some call it generous, I call it comedic whorishness! You continuously ravage young girls hearts with your phallus of laughter. You just don't know when to stop. Ugh. I pity you Bod. ...I...I...pity you.