Sunday, April 20, 2008

Answer for Anonymous

Anonymous writes:

When you go to sleep at night do you dream of a forest of beards? If you do, is one of the beards yours?

Well anonymous, this is a pretty personal question. I generally like to stay away from personal stuff here on Todder's Playhouse unless it is a Todd's Story, but since you asked I guess I must oblige.

I have always wanted to be destined for something. I have always wanted to be the hero that legends are made of. The hero where books are written about how he is to come and save the day. Sadly, I have yet to see that book written about me.

You may be wondering what this has to do with my dreams. Well, I like to think that all those heroes which I yearn to be had dreams of their greatness and the things to come. Since they were destined to be great they dreamt of the day where this would come true. I am starting the realize that this is similar to me.

Although I may not be destined to save the world or anything like that, I am obviously destined to grow great beards. I was born with the inate ability to grow a beard at near record pace. I know now that although I was not born to save the day, I was born to grow one heck of a beard. As such, I do dream of beards, because it is my destiny to keep growing them.

In the forest of beards of which you speak, one beard stands out above all of the rest, and that is my own, and it is glorious.

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