Sunday, April 13, 2008

Answer for Ryan

Sorry for the delay on the answer Ryan.  Ryan writes:

When am I going to be featured on your blog? You know I'm attention depraved.

This is a difficult question to answer.  The truth is, you are going to have to earn it.  If you had read previous posts you would know that I greatly appreciate my reader's loyalty and like that loyalty be shown with responses to posts.  As such, if you consistently show your loyalty and respond to multiple posts with "first" I will give you your own post on my blog.  You can write whatever you want so long as I think it is funny and worthy of being posted on Todder's Playhouse.  Granted I have extremely high standards, you at least earn the right to have me read your post and possibly have it published.  I think that's pretty good.

You can also be featured on my blog if you do something in real life I deem worthy of discussing.  This is a tough feat but you never know what can happen.  For instance, if you took the route of Jake Schoneker and climbed a tree and fell out of it from thirty feet up and landed on your feet unscathed, I would deem that worthy of being discussed in Todder's Playhouse.  That is a pretty lofty goal, but any sort of situation where your life is at risk will probably make it into Todder's Playhouse.

Your last chance at being featured on my blog is mostly related to luck.  If I am in the mood to write a Todd's Stories and think of a story you happen to be involved in you will be mentioned.  However, that doesn't really have anything to do with you.  This blog in general revolves around me, and if you're lucky you can be mentioned as side note in a story of mine. 

Lucky for you I thought of another chance you have of being featured.  If you mention Todder's Playhouse and shout out my blog on your radio show you shall be compensated with a shout out on Todder's Playhouse.  The same applies to anyone who shouts me out publicly.  If you do me a solid like that it will not go unappreciated.  Todd Easton is a man of honesty and reciprication, and if you do spread the word about his blog you shall have your moment under the sun that is Todder's Playhouse.


Unknown said...

The Bod speaks truth.

Anonymous said...

todd, i hate you, stop this blogging now, you speak no truth